Yoga and its benefits are well known to most of us. What many of us do not know (and do not care to understand) is that Yoga is more than just another form of exercise. In order to be able to receive in its fullest and purest form what Yoga has to offer to us, it is inevitable that we grasp the gist of Yoga.
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root
'yuj' which means to join. Therefore, the essence of Yoga is the union of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul. Yoga teaches us to overcome the bondage of body through restraining our senses, mastering our mind, and controlling our thoughts and desires. Technically,
Yoga trains us to become high-performance users of our own minds. For this reason, each of the asanas of Yoga strive to unite our body and soul with the Supreme and for the same reason, each of these asanas should be performed with that goal in mind. Asanas strengthen and purify the body and control and focus the mind.
30 minutes of the Yoga routine described below is devised to reach out to all parts of the body from head to toe. Remember that asanas should be firm yet relaxed. When in a Yoga posture, we must make sure that we can breathe slowly and deeply. We must feel a good stretch but not pain, strain of fatigue.
The routine that I describe below is called
'Home Kriya Routine' because one can easily do it at home as per his/her convenience of time and space. It is however preferable that the kriya be performed in morning between 4:00 am and 6:00 am. Also, allow a minimum gap of 2 hours between the kriya and your meals. Start your yoga routine with
Surya Namaskar for best results.
30 Minutes of Yoga Routine (to be performed in order)
Joint Rotation (6 minutes)- Start with rotation of all the joints of the body from head to toe. Rotate your joints at neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. Rotate 5 times in clockwise direction and 5 times in anti-clockwise.
Joint rotation is good for warming up and improves muscle extendibility, mobility of the joints and flexibility.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds). 2. Tadasana (1 minute)- Watch Shilpa Shetty perform Tadasana at
Stay in this posture for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
- Corrects postural weaknesses
- Tones up the leg muscles
- Strengthens the knees, ankles and thighs
- Cure for flat feet (by practising lifting the legs through the arches)
- Alleviates symptoms of sciatica
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).
3. Gomukhasana (1 minute)- Watch this video to learn to correct procedure of attaining Gomukhasana. This asana can also be performed in sitting position. Stay in this posture for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
Gomukhasana stretches each part of your body making it more flexible. Beginners might face some difficulty initially, but Gomukhasana can be mastered with regular practice.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).
4. Uttanasana(1 minute) - This video gives a detailed explaination of
Uttanasana. Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
Uttanasana calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. It strengthens the thighs and knees and improves digestion. Uttanasana also helps relieve headache and insomnia.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).Sit down slowly with your legs stretched forward for
Sitting Position Asanas.
Ustrasana(1 minute) - Get inspired from Shilpa Shetty. Though Ustrasana might seem difficult to beginners, regular practice will help make it effortless. It is a very rewarding asana. My personal favourite. Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
Ustrasana stretches the entire front of the body and strengthens back muscles as well. It improves posture and stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).2. Paschimottanasana(1 minute) - Stay in this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
Paschimottanasana reduces body fat. It helps relieve constipation and gastritis.
Paschimottanasana helps cure piles and diabetes too.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).3.
Marichyasana(1 minute) - Marichyasana is a very good asana for whole body stretching. One can experience instant relaxation.
Stay in this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
Marichyasana helps alleviate constipation and obesity. It stretches the spine and shoulders, stimulates liver and kidneys and improves digestion.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds). Lie down ou your belly for Prone Yoga Asanas.
Bhujangasana(1 minute) -
Stay in this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.Bhujangasana improves flexibility and helps relieve and prevent lower backache. It rejuvenates spinal nerves enriching them with a rich blood supply.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).
Shalabhasana strengthens the lower back, leg, and buttocks. It aligns the spine and helps balance the nervous system.
Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).
3. Makarasana(2 minutes) - Switch to Makarasana and relax your muscles. Concentrate on each part of the body and feel the stretch. Feel the improved blood circulation.
Makarasana is good for relaxation. It promotes sleep, regulates blood pressure and reduces anxiety.
Lie down on your back by turning from your left side. This is important to avoid gush of blood to the heart.
Stretch your hands away from your head and stretch your legs in the opposite direction(therefore making a straight line of your body). Stretch for 10 seconds.
Paripurna Navasana(1 minute)-
Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice. Paripurna Navasana strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles as well as the quadriceps. It also develops balance.
Sarvangasana helps cure ailments related to bronchitis, asthma, heavy breathing and shortness in breath. It is very helpful in alleviating digestion problems.
When practicing the Corpse Pose or Shavasana, relax each part of your body in a systematic manner. Focus on one body part at a time starting from your head and progressing toward toes. Practice of the corpse pose can help lower blood pressure and is in fact therapeutic for arterial hypertension.
After completing these asanas, come back to sitting position while keeping your eyes closed. Remember, you must never sit up straight from the supine position. While in Supine Position, turn to your right side with our right hand under your head and left leg on top of the right leg. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Rise slowly still keeping your eyes closed. Sit in Sukhasana. Open your eyes slowly. Rub your palms against each other and place them on your face for a few moments. You can then leave your seat as you may please.
You can increase time given to each asana as you become more comfortable with regular practice. Do not stretch outside your limits as this may cause injuries.
Also, it is very important to mix up different work out plans. Cross training is essential to make sure that all the parts of the body are evenly worked out.
Most Important : It is very important to watch your breath while performing these asanas. You must be able to breath deep and slowly. Synchronize your breath with each movement. Practice taking long deep breaths.