Thursday, August 27, 2009

World is a Small Place

The first few years of a child are spent surrounded by the walls of the house and protected dearly by the family. He enters a world which comprises of his mama, papa and sister.

Ever wondered why this toddler dreads going to school? One of the reasons is that he dreads losing the protection of the family. He sees his school bus as an Unidentified Terrestrial Object that would take him away from his world. He conceives his new school as a new world with new unknown faces and strange people.

Yet, his playmate in school might find it a wonderful new world with many new people to meet and newer friends to make. This child is more likely to grow independent and open to new things unlike our cry baby. This child's world is more likely to grow bigger sooner than our cry baby's world.

Not all of us are good at accepting new people and their newer different ways of behavior. We tend to bond with a small group of people around us whom we select based on our own judgments. The rest are conveniently disowned as different, not-our-kinds, weird - Aliens. They form the outer world not warmly welcomed into our own world.

Groups are formed in order to provide support and protection to the members. But I doubt if groups formed out of religious basis do just that. When religion is used as a tool, more often than not, it takes the form of paranoia. I have been an eye witness of college riots among students of rival religious groups and those were enough to keep me from joining any such groups myself.

Paranoia surpasses limits in the part of the world I hail from. The apparent logic behind distrust for other religions and groups is the genetic make of the members of those groups. Different religion unquestionably implies different genes, different biological make-up and therefore, 'different' humans. Marriages, therefore, can happen only among the followers of the same religion.

As noted by researchers of the World Values Survey, culture strongly influences how a person sees the world around him. Collectivistic cultures of Istanbul, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Muscat, and Oman stress interdependence between people and the notion of group goals. Cooperation is sought with people inside the network which is organized along family and friendship lines; everyone else is an outsider.

Individualistic societies, on the other hand, view each person as an individual and value individual goals. These mores are more prevalent in wealthier, market-based democracies where group boundaries aren't very important. Cooperation with unrelated strangers becomes necessary in such societies. Accordingly, members of the capitalist democracies are more likely to accept strangers into their societies and are actually kinder and gentler than more traditional economies.

World is a small place, belittled by our own prejudices.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Importance of Hobbies

Though I had professed the goodness of boredom in a recent article, I was wise enough to add a necessary qualification of rareness to it. Rare boredom is helpful; if you frequently find yourself dying of boredom for the lack of other options, read on.

I felt the urge to write this article because I feel lucky than ever to have hobbies that I am passionate about. One fine morning I found myself in a new part of the world amid new faces, and totally unprepared. Not having a conventional regular office job might be viewed by some as a disadvantage; the same has proved bliss for me.

How many of us can claim that we return reenergized and revitalized after a busy day at work? Not every hobby can earn a living, and we are compelled to seek careers that give us headaches as each day ends but loads of moolah as the month ends. Jobs that leave no time for hobbies are themselves strong reasons to have hobbies and to take time to indulge in them.

Ever wondered why CVs require you to mention your hobbies? What has a software company to do with my hobbies? I had not realized until recently. Hobbies bring out hidden talents in us which we might not realize. Experts say that having hobbies keeps us focused and improves our concentration. Hobbies boost our self esteem and confidence and bring out the leader in us. Indulging in group activities with fellow hobbyists teaches us the rules of working in a team. Religiously following a hobby imparts us singular knowledge in the field and with it comes a sense of achievement.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: The mind, body and the soul are in total synchronization while pursuing hobby. Pursuing a hobby stimulates parts of the brain related with creativity and positive thinking. When a hobbyist passionately pursues a hobby, it is the emotional returns that are valued rather than the monetary returns. Keeping oneself busy in hobbies leaves no time for wayward thinking and helps channel our energies toward constructive activities.

All of us are passionate about at least one thing that gets the blood gushing through our veins. Passions can be as trivial as collecting stationery and as demanding as social services, each is a source of energy and ecstasy for the hobbyist.

Passions and hobbies can become a source of income too. You will find demand for almost anything that you can supply – goods as well as services. If money is what drives you, let it drive you toward your passion. As for me, money spoils the fun attached to hobbies and I prefer to keep it out of my way.

With the kind of sedentary lifestyles that most of us live, hobbies can save us from sluggish minds by allowing imagination to flow. Of course, creativity cannot be forced and is not constant; there are ways to enhance it. And, as with everything else, age is no bar here.

Have hobbies? Keep them.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


America reminds me of Home

Yesterday Seattle reached a record temperature of 88F/31C. It broke that record just today and reached 90F/32C. It is unbearably hot; and I am surprised. I had presumed that having spent 24 years of my life in a desert where 122F/50C is just as normal as rising of the sun, I had become inured to extreme hot temperatures. I was reminded of the scorching heat of Rajasthan.

The night was warmer than ever and we couldn't get sleep. The best we could do was to open the window and let the breeze, meager though it was, come in. I was reminded of the night outs on the roof, under the night sky, and air as cool and fresh as it could be.

The otherwise uninterrupted sleep was sometimes encroached upon by the cacophony of high speed cars on the highway. I was reminded of the dogs barking (and crying) right after midnight on the street outside my house. How sweet that was! At least now it seems so. I couldn't resist a chuckle, in slumber though I was.

Before the alarm clock could, the noisy bulldozer and crane and the even noisier workers at the construction site woke me up. We have been taught to say our prayers before starting the day. All I could say was #%$%&&!!. And again, I was reminded of the chirping of wonderful little cute birds that would convey a beautiful new day, bells in the nearby temple ringing a blessing to the ears, and the conventional cock-a-doodle-doo of the rooster in our Kerala house.

And similarly, the Wednesday trips to Ganesh temple have been replaced by unending net surfing. The respecting titles 'aunt' and 'uncle' of respectable ages have been replaced by Mrs. Thomson and Mr. Right of equally respectable ages. That feeling of kinship for fellow Indians has been replaced with side-glances of 'yet another Indian working with Microsoft'.

Those were the days... Sigh!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

HEALTHY LIVING : Know it all about Surya Namaskar

Significance in Hinduism
As the name implies, Surya Namaskara is Salutation to the Sun. The Sun or the Surya is the chief solar deity in Hinduism and is believed to be the king of all planets responsible for controlling all their movements. According to the Vedas, praising the Sun God enhances good health and prosperity. The sun is praised in the simplest way by folding one's hands in namaskara at the time of sunrise chanting the mantra 'Om Suryaye Namah'. While a variety of different procedures of salutation to the Sun God has been explained in the religious books of the Hindu society, physical prostration to Sun, showing complete surrender of oneself to God, is the main aspect of these procedures.

Practicing Surya Namaskar
The best time to practice Surya Namaskar is either at sunrise or sunset facing towards the sun. The image below comes handy to remember the sequence of asanas comprising the Surya Namaskar.

It is very important that breathing be synchronised with each posture of the Surya Namaskar. Starting with exhale in the Prayer Pose, each asana is moved into with alternate inhalation and exhalation. The asanas are ordered so that they alternately stretch the spine backward and forward. A full round of Surya namaskara is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses, the first with moving the right leg first in each pose and the second set with moving the left leg first through the series. This video on YouTube demonstrates precisely the practice of Surya Namaskar, however, without the mantras.

The following mantras are chanted in sequence with the 12 chakras.

Chakra -------------------- Mantra/Salutation

Anahata -------------------- om mitrāya namaḥ

Vishuddhi ------------------ om ravaye namaḥ

Muladhar -------------------om sūryāya namaḥ

Ajna------------------------ om bhānave namaḥ

Vishuddhi ------------------om khagāya namaḥ

Swadhisthana ---------------om puṣṇe namaḥ

Muladhara ------------------om hiraṇya garbhāya namaḥ

Vishuddhi------------------- om marīcaye namaḥ

Ajna------------------------ om ādityāya namaḥ

Muladhar------------------- om savitre namaḥ

Vishuddhi------------------- om arkāya namaḥ

Anahata ---------------------om bhāskarāya namaḥ

Watch this video to learn how to chant the mantras with correct pronunciation.

Benefits of the Surya Namaskar Poses

Pose 1 (and 12) – Improves balance, exercises shoudler, back and neck muscles and stimulates respiratory system.

Pose 2 (and 11) – improves digestion, promotes flexibility in back and hips, tones the spine.

Pose 3 (and 10) – Improves blood circulation, stretches back and leg muscles, stimulates lymphatic system.

Pose 4 (and 9) – Exercises spine, strengthens hand and wrist muscles.

Pose 5 (and 8) – relieves neck and shoulder tension, strengthens the heart

Pose 6 – increases flexibility in neck and shoulders, exercises back muscles

Pose 7 – Improves circulation to abdominal organs, improves digestion, stimulates nerves in spine

Benefits Of Surya Namaskar

  • Surya Namaskar benefits joints, ligaments and the skeletal system by improving posture, flexibility and balance.
  • Stimulates the cardio vascular system.
  • Oxygenates the blood and helps strengthen the heart.
  • Surya Namaskar also beenfits the endocrine system and enables the various endocrinal glands to function properly.
  • It relaxes and rejunevates, and alleviates tension, stress and anxiety.
  • Patients of insomnia will gain from regular practice of Surya Namaskar as it eliminates the need of depressants to fall asleep.

Things To Remember

  • Allow a gap of atleast 2 hours after your meal before practicing Surya Namaskar .
  • Do not practice surya namaskar on the floor, use a mat.
  • As with any Yoga practice session, follow Surya Namaskar by Shavasana for rest.
  • Synchronization of breathing with each asana is essential.
  • Add Surya Namaskar at the beginning of your daily yoga routine.

Monday, July 13, 2009

BOOK LOVERS : Book Hopping

'Only in books has mankind known perfect truth, love and beauty.' - George Bernard Shaw

Reading is always fun. Be it fiction, comic or some good old classic, it is the most inexpensive form of entertainment that provides enduring pleasure. No wonder it maintains an apex status on list of favourite hobbies the world over.

Thanks to computers the number of people reading books has reduced considerably. Ironically, in an era where bookstores and libraries are passe, the internet has opened loads of avenues for the book lovers. Be it buying a book using the internet or reading an entire book online, the potential of what you can do with books online is infinite.

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Happy Reading!!

HEALTHY LIVING : Beware of Green Potato

Potatoes naturally produce small amounts of a toxin called solanine as a defense against insects.
But prolonged exposure to light and heat increases solanine production and can cause potatoes to turn green.
Eating green potatoes can cause fever, headahce, vomiting and diarrhea.
Boiling, but not baking, usually removes most of the solanine from potatoes. But as a rule, it' s best not to eat potatoes if they are green.
To help keep potatoes from turning green, store them in a cool dimly lit place.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

HEALTHY LIVING : 30 minutes of Yoga

Yoga and its benefits are well known to most of us. What many of us do not know (and do not care to understand) is that Yoga is more than just another form of exercise. In order to be able to receive in its fullest and purest form what Yoga has to offer to us, it is inevitable that we grasp the gist of Yoga.
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root 'yuj' which means to join. Therefore, the essence of Yoga is the union of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul. Yoga teaches us to overcome the bondage of body through restraining our senses, mastering our mind, and controlling our thoughts and desires. Technically, Yoga trains us to become high-performance users of our own minds.
For this reason, each of the asanas of Yoga strive to unite our body and soul with the Supreme and for the same reason, each of these asanas should be performed with that goal in mind. Asanas strengthen and purify the body and control and focus the mind. 30 minutes of the Yoga routine described below is devised to reach out to all parts of the body from head to toe. Remember that asanas should be firm yet relaxed. When in a Yoga posture, we must make sure that we can breathe slowly and deeply. We must feel a good stretch but not pain, strain of fatigue.
The routine that I describe below is called 'Home Kriya Routine' because one can easily do it at home as per his/her convenience of time and space. It is however preferable that the kriya be performed in morning between 4:00 am and 6:00 am. Also, allow a minimum gap of 2 hours between the kriya and your meals. Start your yoga routine with Surya Namaskar for best results.

30 Minutes of Yoga Routine (to be performed in order)

1. Joint Rotation (6 minutes)- Start with rotation of all the joints of the body from head to toe. Rotate your joints at neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. Rotate 5 times in clockwise direction and 5 times in anti-clockwise.
Joint rotation is good for warming up and improves muscle extendibility, mobility of the joints and flexibility.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

2. Tadasana (1 minute)- Watch Shilpa Shetty perform Tadasana at Stay in this posture for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

  • Corrects postural weaknesses
  • Tones up the leg muscles
  • Strengthens the knees, ankles and thighs
  • Cure for flat feet (by practising lifting the legs through the arches)
  • Alleviates symptoms of sciatica

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

3. Gomukhasana (1 minute)- Watch this video to learn to correct procedure of attaining Gomukhasana. This asana can also be performed in sitting position. Stay in this posture for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Gomukhasana stretches each part of your body making it more flexible. Beginners might face some difficulty initially, but Gomukhasana can be mastered with regular practice.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

4. Uttanasana(1 minute) - This video gives a detailed explaination of Uttanasana. Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Uttanasana calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. It strengthens the thighs and knees and improves digestion. Uttanasana also helps relieve headache and insomnia.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

Sit down slowly with your legs stretched forward for Sitting Position Asanas.

1. Ustrasana(1 minute) - Get inspired from Shilpa Shetty. Though Ustrasana might seem difficult to beginners, regular practice will help make it effortless. It is a very rewarding asana. My personal favourite. Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.
Ustrasana stretches the entire front of the body and strengthens back muscles as well. It improves posture and stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

2. Paschimottanasana(1 minute) - Stay in this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Paschimottanasana reduces body fat. It helps relieve constipation and gastritis. Paschimottanasana helps cure piles and diabetes too.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

3. Marichyasana(1 minute) - Marichyasana is a very good asana for whole body stretching. One can experience instant relaxation. Stay in this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Marichyasana helps alleviate constipation and obesity. It stretches the spine and shoulders, stimulates liver and kidneys and improves digestion.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

Lie down ou your belly for Prone Yoga Asanas.

1. Bhujangasana(1 minute) - Stay in this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Bhujangasana improves flexibility and helps relieve and prevent lower backache. It rejuvenates spinal nerves enriching them with a rich blood supply.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

2. Shalabhasana(1 minute) - Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Shalabhasana strengthens the lower back, leg, and buttocks. It aligns the spine and helps balance the nervous system.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

3. Makarasana(2 minutes) - Switch to Makarasana and relax your muscles. Concentrate on each part of the body and feel the stretch. Feel the improved blood circulation.

Makarasana is good for relaxation. It promotes sleep, regulates blood pressure and reduces anxiety.

Lie down on your back by turning from your left side. This is important to avoid gush of blood to the heart.


Stretch your hands away from your head and stretch your legs in the opposite direction(therefore making a straight line of your body). Stretch for 10 seconds.
1. Paripurna Navasana(1 minute)- Stay in this asana for 20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Paripurna Navasana strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles as well as the quadriceps. It also develops balance.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

2. Sarvangasana(1 minute) -

Sarvangasana helps cure ailments related to bronchitis, asthma, heavy breathing and shortness in breath. It is very helpful in alleviating digestion problems.

Relax and take deep breaths thrice. Inhale (2 seconds), hold (2 seconds), exhale (3 seconds).

3. Shavasana(2 minutes) -

When practicing the Corpse Pose or Shavasana, relax each part of your body in a systematic manner. Focus on one body part at a time starting from your head and progressing toward toes. Practice of the corpse pose can help lower blood pressure and is in fact therapeutic for arterial hypertension.

After completing these asanas, come back to sitting position while keeping your eyes closed. Remember, you must never sit up straight from the supine position. While in Supine Position, turn to your right side with our right hand under your head and left leg on top of the right leg. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Rise slowly still keeping your eyes closed. Sit in Sukhasana. Open your eyes slowly. Rub your palms against each other and place them on your face for a few moments. You can then leave your seat as you may please.

You can increase time given to each asana as you become more comfortable with regular practice. Do not stretch outside your limits as this may cause injuries.

Also, it is very important to mix up different work out plans. Cross training is essential to make sure that all the parts of the body are evenly worked out.

Most Important : It is very important to watch your breath while performing these asanas. You must be able to breath deep and slowly. Synchronize your breath with each movement. Practice taking long deep breaths.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Aim In Life

Not Just One, But Many
Can't compromise with any
Things To Do, Places To Go
Money To Earn, Lessons To Learn.
Too Worldly, Am I?
Heart To Follow
Smiles, to subdue sorrow
Friends to keep
Families to please
Not Many, But Just One
One Life To Live...

Friday, June 26, 2009

IN NEWS : The King of Pop & His Path to Debacle

He was gifted. Born with an inimitable talent. A star at the age of 5. He gave the world the music that is to stay here with us and all our future generations. With albums like Thriller, Off the Wall, Bad, and Dangerous breaking world records, he'd reached the pinnacle of his career.

People close to him say he was shy and avoided getting too close to the public for fear of breach of privacy. The same people were astounded to see him rock the concerts. And, the very same people knew it very well that his lifestyle would cause him to plummet. So, while his demise might be sudden and unexpected for the rest of us, it wasn't so for the few people who knew him well.
As a child, he was often teased for his funny nose. So, he underwent multiple nasal surgeries, forehead lift, thinned lips and a cheeckbone surgery, summing up to a total of 10 facial surgeries.

His obsession worried his wellwishers. But MJ was all on his own and was heedless to any suggestions from anyone. As a result of multifarious skin treatments and surgeries, his skin grew pale and he was diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus. It was apparent that his changing appearance was more than just a natural aging process and that garnered media attention to his personal life.

Jackson was utterly lonely. He did not have a group of friends to talk to on a regular basis. His disturbed childhood and loneliness piqued his emotions for children. Lately, he began to spend more and more of his time with children, perhaps wanting to catch up with his missed childhood. However, his overindulgence hit back hard on him and he was accused of child sexual abuse in 2003. The controversy proved abysmal for his public image and his career. His personal life was no longer his and was under constant scrutiny.

Jackson's turned vegetarian to attain 'a dancer's body'. Again, it was his obsession and the extremity of his lifestyle that proved fatal for him. He was reported to be visibly drowsy, lacking concentration and often slurring in his speech. His talent was not in its best of health either. Jackson failed to bring out any hits for the last 10 years of his life. Both his public as well as personal life was declining and he ran out of money. He died of a cardiac attack. His tragic end is the unravelling of a lifestyle of over indulgence and lack of foresight. He will be remembered equally well for his controversial life as for his peerless talent.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What's it about GRE?

You won't know until you take the test. Well I didn't know until I finished taking the test and got my scores. I scored 1380; 800 in Quantitative and 580 in Verbal. I am of the kind who does not care to devise smart strategies to take the test. I'd rather study 100% of the material I have and would grab more from any and all the sources I can find. So for GRE, I studied
1. Barron's Essential Words For The GRE : There really isn't any need to rote the humongous word list from Barron's GRE. You will do good with the Essential Word list which consists of 80 word lists of 10 words each with example sentences. I knew all the words that appeared on my GRE.
2. Barron's GRE Edition 2008 : Good for the Quantitative Section. It gives a comprehensive revision of Math Strategies required for GRE coupled with Practice Exercises.
3. Cracking the GRE 2008 : The Princeton Review : Good for Vocab and Analytical Writing. Has 4 Hit Parade Lists and 2 Beyond Hit Parade Lists. I must say, they have done a extensive research in building these lists. It helps to concentrate on a list of most probable words than to rote the extraneous words from GRE Barron's which you might end up messing with. Also, it has sample issue and argument essays. The DVD that comes with this book tells you the strategies to take the GRE, the most important of which is to keep in mind that it is a Computer Adaptive Test so you do good by starting strong because the first 10 or so questions of each section weigh the highest and determine a good percentage of your score.
And for the Issue Essay, downlaod the pdf from here . This site has many more GRE preparation materials. Go through them if you have enough time.
Most importantly, do not miss to take practice tests before going for the real one.

Friday, May 15, 2009

CULTURE : Mirror Mirror on the Wall

How do we start our day? We look at the mirror. How many times a day do we do it? More than the number of meals a day. You got it right.
Mirror has taken a very important role in defining our selves for us. Yet, it is deceptive. When we are looking at the mirror, we unmistakably ask the mirror "How do I look?". And we answer that question ourselves; "I look Ok", "Not so good","I look good today" and so on. Without even our noticing it, we carry that image with us all through the day. A "Not so good" image hampers our confidence and a "looking good" image keeps us smiling the rest of the day.
As this practice continues, we tend to define our self worth according to what we see in the mirror. This article would not be worth writing if we all were wise enough to realize that outer appearance has nothing to do with our inner selves.
Letting a mirror dictate your thoughts and actions about yourselves is pitiable. If you don't act toward achievement because your mirror tells you that you are not capable or that you don't have it in you, you will do good by smashing that mirror to tell it and more importantly, to tell yourself otherwise. We are all what we think we are. Let our deeds and actions, and not the mirror, define that for us.
Let's start disabusing ourselves by spending a day without looking at the mirror. Let's do it today. Ignore the mirror for one whole day. Dress up, tidy your hair and put on your shoes. You will feel something missing. You will be tempted; but hold on. Examine how you feel about yourself today. Do your daily tasks as usual. Now that you are not biased about your looks, give your 100% in whatever it is you are doing. Even if you insist your mirror tells you that you look good, avoid it today. Put your heart and soul at work and prove that you do good irrespective of how you look.
Share your mirror-free experience with us. It surely will help many divest themselves of the delusions of a mirror.

CULTURE : Can I have 'Something American'?
CULTURE : Women And Nature
CULTURE : America and Decline of Morality